"The Solution"
For Norrsken Foundation, An impact ecosystem where entrepreneurs can find everything they need to make saving the world their business, No Ordinary Scent had the creative pleasure to craft a brand scent to infuse their physical spaces with hope and focus. The result is "The Solution".

The purpose of this scent is to create an invisible universe associated to the Norrsken locations. This universe invites visitors to shift focus from the outside world into what's on your agenda. The ambition is to embrace Hope, Focus & Inspiration.
THE SOLUTION is Norrsken Foundation's brand scent. It is developed to embrace duality and radiate comfort as well as hope of a bright future.The building blocks of the scent are carefully designed to create a characteristic fingerprint for Norrsken foundation.
Consciously sourced raw materials combined with lab constructed molecules creates the perfect contrast. Interesting enough to evoke inspiration and comforting enough to allow you to find your focus.
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